Acquire AITECH Tokens
Users need to have AITECH tokens in their wallet address. There are two ways to obtain these tokens:
Users can prepare AITECH tokens themselves.
Users can purchase AITECH tokens directly on the GPU Marketplace (Buy token button)
Step 1: Navigate to Billing page on sidebar, click “Deposit”
Step 2: Enter the amount of AITECH to deposit, view the USDAI automatically converted based on the real-time rate and click "Deposit” button
Step 3: On wallet extension, the user must approve the maximum amount of token cap. This action allows the system to use tokens in the user wallet.
Confirm transaction and pay gas fee.
Step 5: After successful deposit, the system will convert the user's AITECH token into USDAI to use in the platform. Now users can rent GPU instances by using their USDAI balance.